Security Tools
See for a more comprehensive list than this. These are the tools I have been using or want to try next.
- nc, a.k.a. netcat (original by Hobbit, Windows version by Weld Pond)
- Zonealarm
- AVG antivirus
- Ad-aware and Spybot
- truecrypt
- md5deep
- putty
- Snort
- Metasploit framework
- dsniff, which includes a a suite of tools:
- dniff - the basic a sniffer
- macof - overflows switch's CAM table with tons of entries
- arpspoof - to send out gratuitous ARPs for a MITM attack
- dnsspoof
- filesnarf - picks up a copy of NFS files it sees
- msgsnarf
- mailsnarf - copies SMTP mail it sees
- urlsnarf - logs the URLs it sees in common log format (http only, URLS not content)
- webmitm
- sshmitm
- fragrouter - turns your box into a (user-mode) router, with various fragmentation and crafting possibilities
- fragroute - not a router, allows many more fragmentation and crafting possibilities than fragrouter, but only from the local host
- nmap
- Nessus
- lsof
- Helix
- Cain and Abel
- xprobe2 - remote, active OS fingerprinting tool
- p0f - passive OS fingerprinting
- onesixtyone - SNMP scanner
- Nikto - web server scanner
- tcpdump
- windump
- winpcap
- ethereal
- wireshark
- driftnet
Packet crafting
- Kismet
- Wellenreiter
- Netstumbler
- Karma