Biker Billy Cooks with Fire

Picture of the cover of "Biker Billy Cooks with Fire" A local guy who calls himself Biker Billy has a cooking show on TV (which I have never seen because I do not have cable). However, when he gave a free local cooking demonstration at the town fair (Madison, NJ, Oct. 4, 1997) I was there.

His act was quite entertaining, and although the food was a bit on the unhealthy side in the cholesterol/calories/fat dimension, what healthy food tastes good anyway (except for garlic and hot peppers)?

Billy likes to throw food around, which was quite entertaining for the kids and adults both. The food he prepared was very tasty, too; the recipe he did was for a nutty pasta dish (whch happens to be in his cookbook, a copy of which I bought at the fair).
Biker Billy on the Budweiser truck stage with index finger raised.
Biker Billy has an audience member stir the sauce while he makes an important point.